Friday, June 1, 2018

Let's start again!!

                      Wearing: Jacket - Modepark Röther / top - Mango / make up,lipstick - Dior

Hola dragi moji!Dugo nisam pisala na blogu,jer sam se vise posvetila na instagramu.Ali ne mora znaciti da prestajem.Nakon putovanja sam odlucila da naknadno vam pisem blog post.
Sve sto vidite na mome instagram profilu @ilvanaad bit ce online i na blogu.Najbolje komuniciramo na insta story i opcenito na social mrezama,takodjer sam pripremila dosta darovanja za vas gdje svi mozete ucestvovati i osvojiti lijepe nagrade.
Ja se zaista od srca svia zahvaljujem sto me podrzavate i pratite,nemate pojma koliko to meni znaci i sto i saljete pozitivne energije i svu vasu ljubav.
Zato sada pocinje ispocetka!!Vidimo se na istagramu. :-*

 Hola my dear! I did not write for a long time on the blog because I devoted more to the instagram. But it does not have to mean that I stop. After traveling, I decided to post a blog post to you later.

Everything you see on my instagram profile @ilvanaad will be online and on the blog. We best communicate on the insta story and generally on social networks, I also prepared a lot of giveaways for you where everyone can participate and win nice prizes.

I'm really thankfull for support and for following me, you have no idea how much it means to me and what you send positive energy and all your love.

That's why I'm starting out now! I'll see you at the Istagram. : - *

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Thank you sooo much for reading my blog,you make me happy.And i
hope you understand that i won´t allow any offensive or unobjective comments.
Any other comments are welcome. If you have any questions just send me email
I heart you

with love,Ilvana

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