Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Ilvana update : Build the person you want to be

                                                       Wearing: Sunglasses-Asos / Top,trausers,shoes - Zara

Hola dragi moji! Prvo da vam se zahvalim sto me pratite i podrzavate,vi ste nabolji.
Sam naslov vam sigurno nesto govori:Izgradite osobu u koju zelite da postanete". Covjek ako ne zna sta zeli u zivotu ,definitivno je izgubljen.Ja sam oduvjek voljela modu i da budem lijepo obucena.
A sobzirom da sada pisem blog jer me vi inspirisete  i obrnuto.To mi je zadovoljstvo.Pitanje za vas: Jeste li se nekad osjecali demotivisano,bez inspiracije i lijenost?
Ja jesam sigurno,ali sobzirom da pratim paar motivacionih govora na you tube i odmah se motivisem da se vratim u svoju svakidasnju rutinu.Isto tako samodisciplina govori o tome koliko zelite da uspijete,sta zelite da postinete.I dan danas radim na sebi,svaki dan i noc citam svoje ciljeve,jer kazu:Ponavljanje je majka znanja i dodje do manifestacije i ostvarenje vasih snova.Moram vam priznati da sam sve vise svjesnija da vi sve mozete imati i ostvariti sta zelite samo morate vjerovati u to.Dok Rosenheim,grad u kojem sada zivim i radim me podrzava,a i paar da kazem nasih (bosanskih portala).Nije u tome poenta,poenta je sto je nas Balkanski mentalitet druaciji od svaba.Oni odmah reaguju i podrzavaju,prate te na svim socijalnim mrezama i nude mi svaku suradnju,a dok nasi trebaju vremena ili neki skandal...
Uglavnom ja sam zahvalna sa svime sto sam postigla,a sta me jos ceka to cete sve vidjeti. ;-) 

 Hola my dear! First, to thank you for following me and supporting me, you are the best.The title itself surely tells you something: Build the person you want to become. "Man, if he does not know what he wants in life, is definitely lost. I've always loved fashion and been dressed nicely.And now that I'm writing a blog because you inspire me and vice versa. It's my pleasure. Asking you: Have you ever felt demotivated, without inspiration and laziness?I am sure, but in spite of following the pair of motivational speeches on you tube and immediately I motivate myself to return to my everyday routine. Also, self-discipline tells you how much you want to succeed, what you want to achieve. I am working on myself today Day and night I read my goals because they say: Repetition is the mother of knowledge and comes to the manifestation and fulfillment of your dreams. I must admit that I am becoming more aware that you can all have everything and achieve what you want only you have to believe in.While Rosenheim, the city in which I now live and work to support me, and even to say my (Bosnian portals). In this point, the point is that the Balkan mentality is different from germans people. They immediately react and support, follow you on all social networks and offer me every collaboration, than bosnian people(medien)need time or some scandal ...Basically, I am grateful for everything I've done, and what else is waiting for me -You'll see it!. ;-)

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with love,Ilvana

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