Hola friends!!Before I go on vacation here is so inspiring outfit that can you also inspired.
For me, the details that the whole outfit can change in this case are two brochures from Moschino, which I bought three years ago, and I came up with the idea of putting them on slippers that were brand new.
The place where my husband did photo shooting is called Wasserburg, a beautiful little tourist place near Rosenheim.To return to the combination - I like to buy clothes,accessories with high and low budget knowing that I will use it for at least ten years, and the trends will change constantly.From now on, you can watch me live on the instagram, because this morning I completely spontaneously recorded what I use from cosmetics.
instagram @ilvanaad
Hola prijatelji! Prije nego krenem na odmor,zelim vam napisati jos jedan outfit koji moze i vas inspirisati.Za mene su detalji koji moze cijeli outfit da promjeni u ovom slucaju su dva brosa od Moschino koje sam kupila prije tri godine,dosla mi je ideja da ih stavim na papuce koje su dobile sasvim novi oblik. Mjesto na koje me slikao moj muz se zove Wasserburg,predivno malo turisticko mjestasce kod Rosenheim-a . Da se vratim na kombinaciju- volim da kupujem odjecu,aksesoare sa visoko- niskim budzetom znajuci da cu iskoristiti najmanje deset godina, a trendovi ce se stalno mjenjati.
Od sada mozete me pratiti uzivo na instagramu,jer sam bas jutros sasvim spontano snimila sta koristim od kozmetike.I ako imate kakve prijedloge,kritike slobodno se javite porukom ili live sve uzimam u obzir .Zahvalana sam od srca na podrsci i odlican je osjecaj komunicirati sa vama bezobzira koliko vas se javilo! :-*
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I heart you
with love,Ilvana