Hola friends! Since I have not written a blog post for long, I simply devoted myself to friends, family, but it does not mean that you can not follow me on the @ilvanaad instagram.
Today, I decided to write something different from an outfit post, a theme that would 100% girls and woman inspired.
"From me for you" text written with high vibration. !!!
I have been writing a fashion blog for five years now and every year is more successful because I learned to be thankful. It sounds funny to you, but it is so. You are not even aware of some of the things that are happening to you in life and nothing is accidental in that alone I was convinced.
Why envy a successful person instead of supporting her and working on your own success?
Because she is self confident, wears marked clothing, she laughs too much, which is not devoted to her family, why is she taking a pictures? These are all stupid questions and the negative energy that you are sending to that person.
My answer: I enjoy life, I like to meet other people with different nations, cultures and I respect them.I am aware of my charisma and creativity, so I write a fashion blog to inspire you. Yeah, I like to wear branded clothes, because I'm cooperating with brands, but here's a small tip:You better save money and buy quality items - the quality is better than quantity. And everything you see is my combinations with clothes I have years.
What kind of fashion websites inspire me? I love to follow http://www.whowhatwear.co.uk/, and all about interior design http://www.mydomaine.com/.
Also I love to buy from Zara,Mango,Net a Porter
Hola prijatelji! S obzirom da nisam dugo pisala blog post,jednostavno sam se posvetila prijateljima,porodici ali ne znaci da me ne mozete pratiti na instagramu @ilvanaad.
Danas sam odlucila da vam nesto drugacije napisem od outfit posta, tema koju bih 100%-no djevojaka,zena inspirisalo.
"Od mene za tebe" tekst pisan sa visokom vibracijom.!!!
Modni blog pisem vec punih pet godina i svaka godina je uspjesnija,jer sam naucila da budem zahvalana.To vam sigurno zvuci smijesno,ali je tako.Niste ni svjesne/ni nekih stvari sta vam se desava u zivotu i nista nije slucajno u to sam se uvjerila.
Zasto zavidjeti nekoj uspjesnoj osobi umjesto da podrzavate ju i da radite na svom vlastitom uspjehu?
Zato sto je samo uvjerena,nosi markiranu odjecu,previse se smije,sto se ne posveti porodici,zasto se uopste slika?? to su sve glupa pitanja i negativna energija koju saljete toj osobi.
Moj odgovor: Ja uzivam u zivotu,ja volim da upoznam druge ljude sa razlicitim nacijama,kulturama i postujem ih.
Svjesna sam svoje karizme i kreativnosti zato pisem modni blog da Vas inspirisem.Da ,volim da nosim markiranu odjecu,jer suradjujem sa brendovima ali evo jedan mali savjet :Bolje da stedite novac i kupite kvalitetne stavri- kvalitet je bolji od kvantiteta. I sve sto vidite su moje kombinacije koje vec imam godinama sa decentnim aksesoarima.
Koje stranice me inspirisu?
Volim da pratim http://www.whowhatwear.co.uk/, odjecu koju rado volim da kupujem je zara,Net a Porter, Mango.. sto se tice uredjenja eneterijera inspirise me Pinterest i http://www.mydomaine.com/.
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Thank you sooo much for reading my blog,you make me happy.And i
hope you understand that i won´t allow any offensive or unobjective comments.
Any other comments are welcome. If you have any questions just send me email :ilvana.alikadic@yahoo.com.
I heart you
with love,Ilvana