Kao sto sam i rekla na instaram story da ce biti zadnji outfit post is Poreca. Jako jednostavana ljetna kombinacija,s obzirom da je ova godina bila pretopla.
Necete mi zamjeriti sto sam Vas malo zapostavila ,ali vam obecavam sa mnogo postova iz Bosne,a iz Rosenheim-a jos i prije odmora.
S obzirom da ce poceti nova skolska godina i da imam mnogo priprema oko toga.Da se vratim na ovaj post- Sama Istra je predivna,ja sam boravila u jednom kompleksu hotela gdje su udaljeni od samog grada Poreca.Moj hotel Delfin se nalazio u kopleksu Zelene Lagune,sa predivnom plazom,bazenom,setalistem i vecernjim programom.
Jedno poslije podne smo odlucili da odemo u centar Poreca i moram priznati da je jako lijep i interesantan.Mnogo sadrzaja ima,da nisam sve stigla da obidjem.Ali sto nisam znala da imaju svake godine muzicki festival i da ce biti gost Will Smith,steta jer bas na taj dan sam se ja vracala za Rosenheim -nikad se ne znam mozda drugi put.
Ah jah, sta preporucujem najvise kada zelite da idete na razgledanje grada,obavezno obucite ravne cipele(sandale) jer u mom slucaju bile su ogromne kamenice i jako klizave i moram priznati mnogi turisti su se povrijedili(bukvalno) Sva sreca pa uvijek slusam svoj instinkt.Super ljetovanje,jos jedno iskustvo i upoznavanje Hrvatske reviere.
I za sve prijatelje,poznanike,komsije ...zelim Bajram Serif Mubarek Olsun!
As I said on the instaram story that it will be the last outfit post of Poreč. A very simple summer combination, since this year was too hot. You will not mind that I neglected you a bit, but I promise you a lot of posts from Bosnia, and from Rosenheim even before mine vacation.
Considering that the new school year will start and I have a lot of preparation for it. To get back to this post, Istra is very beautiful, I was staying in one hotel complex where they are far from the city of Porec. My hotel Delfin was in the coplex Green Laguna, with beautiful beaches, swimming pool, promenade and evening program.
One afternoon, we decided to go to the center of Porec and I must admit that it is very nice and interesting. There are many contents, that I did not get to go all the way. But I did not know that every year there is a music festival and Will Smith should come, on that day I returned to Rosenheim - I do not know, perhaps, the second time.
Ah jah, I recommend the most when you want to go to the sightseeing of the city, be sure to wear flat shoes (sandals) because in my case were huge oysters and very slippery and I must admit that many tourists were hurt (literally) Thanks od I always listen to my instinct .Super summer vacation, another experience and getting to know the Croatian Riviera.
And for all friends, acquaintances, neighbors ... I wish Bajram Serif Mubarek Olsun!! :-*
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