Wearing : sunlasses - Celine / T- shirt - Zara / bag - Marina Galanti / palazzo pants - Tk maxx/ watch -Daniel Wellington
Hola Friends! Evo da vas obradujem sa jos jednim postom iz Poreca.Rijec je u potrazi za delfinima.
Iako sam taj dan bila citav dan na plazi,suncala se,plivala i citala Vogue( njemacki) sa svojim sam muzem rezervisala v.i.p. eskurziju.To je bio predivan dan te sam razmisljala sta da obucem jer ipak plovim na otvoreno more ,ali sam sam se odlucila na citavu bijelu kombinaciju,ja bih rekla i morska kombinacija i casual.
Zarina basic majca i siroke lanene hlace i lancici koje uvijek nosim bez obzira na outfit.
Eskurzija je bila fenomenalana,ustvari tih dva sata su su bila fenomenalna,kada sam se ukrcala na brod i vec stigli na otvoreno more poceli su i drugi brodovi dolaziti sa turistma da gledamo delfine,a pritome bila je prava avantura sa valovima .
Posmatrali smo nekih dvadeset minuta i odjednom su se pojavili delfini,ali nije bilo samo to nego
kako su otplivali na suprotne pravce,svi ali bas svi brodovi koji su taj dan imali eskurziju su krenuli u pravac delfina ali je to izledalo kao na "igre bez granica" ako ste gledali znaci kao neko takmicenje koje brzi brod..
Uglavnom ako neko planira da putuje na more u Hrvatsku,preporucujem da se prikljuci na avanturisticku eskurziju!
Hola Friends! Here I am processing you with another post from Porec. The market is looking for dolphins.Although
I was on that day all day long on the beach, I was swimming and
reading Vogue (German) with my own husband reserving v.i.p. It was a wonderful day, and I was thinking about what to wear, because
I was still navigating the open sea, but I decided on the whole white
combination, I would say the sea combination and casual.
Zara basic shirt and wide linen trousers and chains I always carry regardless of the outfit.
The excursion was phenomenal, in fact these two hours were phenomenal,
when I boarded the ship and already arrived at the open sea, other
ships began to come with tourists to watch dolphins, and there was a
real adventure with waves.
We watched for some twenty minutes and suddenly they appeared dolphins, but it was not just that
they swam to the opposite directions, all but all ships that had a day
of excursion went on in the dolphin direction, but it was seen as a
"borderless game" if you were watching a boat race and some contest.
Mostly if someone plans to travel to Croatia, I recommend joining an adventurous excursion!
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