They want to take picture with me!!Also they said"Luxus is being yourself"
(Oni su se htjli slikati sa mnom!Kazu : Luksuz je biti svoj")
Sobzirom da ne jedem slatko,ovo cool mjesto sam iskoristila za slikanje
Wearin : Jacket - Xside (via Amazon )/ shirt ,trausers - Zara / Sweater- Mango/bag- Gucci / boots,sunglassess -Primark (Graz)
Hola dragi moji! Odmah cu da predjem na pricu! Beograd je jedna prava balkanska metropola jos u doba Jugoslavije.Molim bez predrasude! Ja sam stvarno zahvalna sto sam sa svojim muzem odlucila da proslavimo nasu 8. godisnjicu braka , a i novu godinu. Kao sto vidite na ovim slikama taj dan sam se nasetala i naslikala.Upravo u ovim cizmama sam presla cca 6 km od Splavova pa do Brankovog mosta.Ali moram da priznam drugacije ne mozete da upoznate grad ako ne idete pjeske. Sto se tice kombinacije,zimsko slojevito oblacenje je preporucljivo .Sobzirom da volim i preferiram visoko- niski budzet. Cizme i suncane naocale sam frisko kupila u Grazu(Primark) i onda produzili prema Bosni gdje smo prvo i odsjeli pa onda za Srbiju.
Takodjer sam vam rekla u proslom postu da sam kupila dvije knjige,a to su "To Deluje i od Luize Hay "Moc je u vama" .
Preporucujem da ih procitate ako zelite da radite na sebi i da upoznate samu sebe!!
ENGLISH: Hola my dear! I'll give it a shot right now! Belgrade is a true Balkan metropolis in the era of Yugoslavia. With no prejudice! I am really grateful that with my husband I decided to celebrate our 8th anniversary of marriage, and the new year. As
you can see on these pictures, that day I sat down and photo shooted.. I'm
right in these boots, I walked about 6 km from Splavova to Branko's
bridge. But I have to admit otherwise you can not get to know the city
if you do not go for a walk. As far as combinations are concerned, winter layered dressing is recommended. Because I love and prefer high - low budget. I bought fresh boots and sunglasses in Graz (Primark) and then extended to Bosnia where we first stayed and then to Serbia.
I also told you in the previous post that I bought two books, and that's "It works " Writter is anonymous. ThancLuize Hay" Power is in you. "
I recommend reading them if you want to work on yourself and get to know yourself !!
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with love,Ilvana