Hola prijatelji! Ne znam za Vas ali ja sam vec u praznicnom raspolozenju. Jos jedna i pol sedmica i skola je gotova.Ferije!!!
Spisak za pakovanje je spremno jos samo napuniti kofere i krenuti na put. Hajde priznajte da ste cekali novi outft post? Vjerujte mi i ja sam jedva cekala da sa vama podjelim upravo ovaj decembarsku ombinaciju.Asesoar i sami detalji koji cine outfit savrsenim su zakon za mene.
Crvene cizme su vrh danasnjeg posta,a i kais torbica koji su trend jos od ljeta.
Iako je kisa padala, nije me mola zaustaviti u fotografiranju . Suncane naocale trebate imati u vasoj torbi jer nikad ne znate kada vam moze zatrebati. Ja ih definitivno nosim u sva cetiri godisnja doba.
English :
Hola friends! I do not know about you, but I'm already in a holiday mood. Another one and a half weeks and the school is over.
The packing list is ready to just fill the suitcases and start the journey. Let's admit that you were waiting for a new outfit post? Believe me and I was barely waiting to share with you this December combination. The accessories and the details that make the outfit perfect are the law for me.
Red boots are the top of today's post, and also belt handbags that have been a trend since summer.
Although the rain was falling, I do not want to stop shooting. Sunglasses need to be in your bag because you never know when you can need them. I definitely carry them all four seasons.
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I heart you
with love,Ilvana