Hola prijatelji! Iz predhodnog blog posta ste vidjeli sta sam kupila na otvorenju nove sportske radnje - Karstadt Sport u Rosenheim-u.
A sada vam zelim podijeliti mali dio event-a.Sa mnom je bila moja prijateljica Dragana i hvala jos jednom Karstadt Sport na pozivnici,atmosfera je bila super.Upoznala sam mnogo sportista,poznatih fitnes trenera..
Sobzirom da ce jos malo pa bozic i nova godina ,sada bih bila super prilika za one koje zele da obraduju svoje najmilije ,mozete u ovoj radnji kupiti najkvalitetnije sportske opreme i asesoare kao npr. skijaske naocale ili sportsku torbu...
A i takodjer bih predlozila ako idete na fitnes ili se bavite bilo kojim drugim sportom ,a zelite da obnovite svoju sportsku opremu- Karstadt Sport je tu za vas.
Hola friends! From the previous blog post, you saw what I bought at the opening of a new sports shop - Karstadt Sport in Rosenheim.
And now I want to share a small part of the event. With me, was my friend Dragan and thank you once again Karstadt Sport on the invitation, the atmosphere was great.
As for a little bit more Christmas and New Years, now It would be a great opportunity for those who want to make happy their loved ones, you can buy the highest quality sports equipment and accessories in this shop, for example. ski sunglasses or sports bag ...
And I would also suggest if you go to the fitness or do any other sport, and you want to renew your sports equipment - Karstadt Sport is there for you.
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with love,Ilvana