Wearing : Coat - Topshop / brooch - Chanel / sunglasses - Celine/ top,jeans -Zara / bag - No name / Boots - Deichman
Hola prijatelji moji! Preko vikenda sam bila u Austriji,tacnije u Kufstein sa muzem i sa kcerkom sto je iza scene bio upravo On (moj dragi muz :-* ) Vrijeme je bilo fenomenalno i za setnju,fotografisanje i za ispijanje kafe. Kao sto vidite moj outrfit je sportsko-elegantna kombinacija.
Bilo je bas vruce za kaputic koji sam kupila u Topshop.de i kraseci ga mo vjecni prijatelj Chanel bros koji sam dobila od svog muza sa godisnjicu braka.Zahvalna sam od srca na takav gest( a to je bila jedna od mojih manifestacija koja se ostvarila ;) )Drugo, sto upravo ide uz ovaj outfit je i moja pozitivna vibracija . Uuuh da ne zaboravim da spomenem jos jedan poklon a to je torba koju sam dobila u avgustu ove godine od mame.Hvala mama!!
Jedan od predstojecih jesenskih trendova su upravo vojnicke cizme koje sam kupila u Deichmanu.
Slobodno mi pisite sta mislte o ovom outfitu! :-***
Hola my friends! Over
the weekend, I was in Austria, more precisely in Kufstein with my
husband and with the daughter behind the scene was just On (my dear
husband: - *) It was a great time for a walk, photography and drinking
coffee. As you can see, my outfit is a sporty-elegant combination.
was so hot for the coat that I bought at Topshop.de and I was sculpted
by my able friend Chanel Bros, which I got from my husband with the
marriage anniversary. I am grateful to my heart for such a gesture (and
this was one of my manifestations that came true ;)) Second, what exactly is going with this outfit is my positive vibration. Uuuh I do not forget to mention another gift and it's the bag I got in August this year from my mom. Thanks mom !!
One of the upcoming autumn trends are the military boots I bought at Deichman.
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with love,Ilvana