Wednesday, May 31, 2017

the reasons i love venice (Italy)

                              "Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go"
                                                                   Truman Capote  

As a world tourist guide,I'll tell you my story about Venice( Italy)  and how I experienced.
So proud and thankful on this trip after a few years ago.Venice, the city of influencing art,
architecture and literature.
Me and my friend -photograph were sooo excited to be part of our project,to show my outfit and my art and creative story about Venice.
It's magical feeling walking around and observe every corner of art stone, spirit of Renaissance ,drinking cappuccino at San Marco's square .
For sure you have seen a lots of fashion editorials in Vogue, Elle... for example Mauro Lorenzo photographed amazing fashion editorials,Anna Nicholas...
So the story will be continue..stay tuned


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