Wearing : Sunglasses - River Island/ t-shirt - Calvin Klein/ Suit - Mango / sneakers- Adidas/ Bag - Bata
Finally my Adidas sneakers are on the blog! You must be wondering why sneakers with a suit?!
In fashion there are rules to break them,For compliment,this form have designed for myself ,thanks to Adidas web page who allowing me,one word Unique.
The whole outfit says that this is what I wanted to combine.
Konacno moje adidaske su na blogu! Sigurno se pitate zasto patike uz odijelo?!U modnoj industriji su upravo pravila da ih prekrsimo.
A i da se pohvalim ovakav oblik sam i sama dizajnirala,zahvaljujuci njihovoj stranici sto su mi i dozvolili.jednom rijecju unikat.
Sto cijeli outfit govori da je to bas sto sam htjela da iskombinujem uz njih.
Loooove this combination!
ReplyDeleteNice post dear :)
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