Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Power with zara stripes

          Wearing: sunglasses,shoes - Celine / dress - Zara / bag - Marina Galanti via Tk maxx

Kao sto sam vam i obecala outfit postovi ce biti kada dodjem u Bosnu! Drugi dan ispred hotela Delfin u Porecu koji je i bio najtopliji dan ipak sam se odlucila na haljinu sa prugama i Celine
crvene sandale koja je bila jedna od najboljih investicija kao i naocale od istog brenda.
Sigurno me pratite i na instagramu @ilvanaad i moje price koje se desavaju iza scena sa slikanja-to bio pocetak mog odmora a koji se sada nastavlja u Tesnju.Sada mi stvarno preostaje da vam se zahvalim na podrsci koju mi pruzate i podrzavate to je stvarno neopisiv osjecaj.
I jos nesto ja sam veliki fan Zare jer mi je najkvalitetnija odjeca i obuca od svih "brzih trendova"koje proizvode

 As I promised you outfit posts will be when I come to Bosnia! The second day in front of the Delfin Hotel in Porec, which was the hottest day, I decided to wear a dress with stripes and Celine
red sandals which was one of the best investments as well as glasses of the same brand.Be sure to follow me on the @ilvanaad instagram and my stories that happen behind the scenes from the photo shooting - it was the beginning of my vacation that is now going on in Tesnja. Now I really have to thank you for the support you give ,it is really Indescribable feeling.

And one more thing,I'm a huge fan of Zara because it has the most quality clothes and shoes
of all the fastest trends they produce.


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with love,Ilvana

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