Wednesday, April 29, 2015




 Wearing : sunglasses - Lespecs/ dress( in this case shirt) - Diesel/ shorts- Mango/ sandals -Tk maxx

After a very busy day with looking dresses, accessories for my sister's wedding,as bridesmaid I i was able to find "that dress" I was looking for.
You know when you really something searching, as if it fell into the ground,so this dress( shirt) you can see here asymmetrical design,was for so long on my wish list,because it's  functional.

The point is that you don't need to spent a lot of money for clothes,.the point is quality, not quantity.
Thanks to Diesel ,who design this dress. The trend is fleeting thing.!!
About today's outfit,I love sport -elegance style,calkulated with balance modern innovation with timless details.(Shoes)

Nakon veoma uzbrkanih,zauzetih dana u potrazi za haljinama,asesoarima i ostalih detalja za sestrino vjencanje i kao kuma konacno sam ju i nasla.
Ne znam kako je sa vama,ali kod mene je kada stvarno nesto trazim,posebno kada znam u detalje kakvo sto je u pitanju,onda kao da je propalo u zemlju. Nista! Ali da ne duljim o tome,
Poenta je danasnjeg posta je da sam dugo cekala na ovu haljinu ( u ovom slucaju majica),koja je funkcionalna,sto zapravo i volim da ulozim nesto vise novca upravo na ovakve stvari.Bolje je imati manje odjece,naravno kvalitetene,nego previse,a sve isfucano(Trend je samo prolazna stvar).
Volim sportsko-elegantnu kombinaciju,kalkulirajuci sa bezvremenskim detaljima.(Cipelama)



Thank you sooo much for reading my blog,you make me happy.And i
hope you understand that i won´t allow any offensive or unobjective comments.
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I heart you

with love,Ilvana

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